Послеродовая йога+отзывы

послеродовая гимнастика

Послеродовая йога в Минске проводится инструктором по йоге, четырежды мамой, доулой Анастасией Новицкой. Мини-группы, на занятия можно приходить с малышом.

Как я чувствовала себя после родов?

  • Больше всего беспокоил позвоночник. В грудном отделе из-за увеличившихся молочных желез и практически постоянной в дневное время позы мадонны. В области поясницы, крестца и копчика по причине постоянного ношения малыша на руках и укачивания.
  • Ночного сна в первое время у меня почти не было. Ночи проходили при включенном свете. Отрубалась часто во время кормления лежа прямо на плечевом суставе. Утром не могла поднять руку от резкой боли.
  • Недосып быстро перешел в хронический. Достаточно было какой-то небольшой капли, и усталость наваливается всей своей неподъемной ношей. И ты срываешься на близких.

И это я еще легко отделалась. У меня не было большей части послеродовых проблем, которые знакомы многим:

  • геморрой
  • опущение органов малого таза
  • недержание мочи
  • диастаз
  • проблемы в работе кишечника (запоры, спазмы)
  • лишний вес
  • защемление седалищного нерва

Заниматься дома не было никаких возможностей (знакомо, правда?). И доехать на занятия молодой маме нелегко. Понимая и пройдя через это, приглашаю женщин.

Когда можно приступать к занятиям?

Через 2 месяца после родов через родовые пути. Через 4-6 месяцев после кесарева сечения.
Если вам не с кем оставить малыша, берите с собой)


“Беременность и роды – важный этап в жизни каждой женщины. Но после рождения малыша (помимо радости и счастья) каждой из нас, мам, приходилось сталкиваться с утомляемостью, с болью в спине и пояснице, с различными индивидуальными болячками.

Каждая женщина решает вопросы своего самочувствия по-разному. Кто-то идет в спортзал, кто-то в бассейн, кто-то занимается дома, кто-то (бьюсь об заклад, таких большинство) не делает ничего. А я пошла к профессионалу, который мне помогает прийти в форму как внешне, так и внутренне.

Я говорю о послеродовой гимнастике в школе материнства “Лира”, которую ведет знаток своего дела, доула и просто клевый человек Анастасия Новицкая. После каждого часового занятия я ощущаю на себе эффект от упражнений еще долго. Упражнения не интенсивные, не требующие физической нагрузки. Но при правильном выполнении очень эффективные. Повторяю дома то, что удалось запомнить с занятия ;-). Я сама, дома, не смогла бы так заниматься.

Настя индивидуально подходит к каждой маме, проверила диастаз, смотрит на общее самочувствие. Я очень довольна занятиями. Единственное жалко, что не познакомилась с Анастасией во время беременности :-)”

“Мне посоветовала занятия с Анастасией акушер- гинеколог так как здесь практикуют упражнения с акцентом на укрепление мышц, которые были растянуты во время беременности.
Все упражнения привязаны к дыханию. Некоторые упражнения у меня получилось сделать только тогда, когда Анастасия рассказала как правильно дышать во время их исполнения, например «лифт» в упражнениях Кегеля.
Еще я узнала, что под мышцами пресса есть более глубокие группы мышц, которые не получится восстановить просто качая пресс.
На первом занятии Анастасия смотрит наличие диастаза и показывает немного другие варианты упражнений, которые можно делать при его наличии.
Хожу раз в неделю по четвергам. Группа небольшая, собирается 3-4 человека.
Единственный минус – отсутствие душа, но так как это йога, все упражнения выполняются в медленном темпе, то в нем нет большой необходимости”

“Хочу поделиться своими впечатлениями по занятиям йогой) На Постнатальную йогу я пришла после курса “Диастаз”, для поддержания формы и укрепления мышц.Занятия проходят в очень дружной и необременяющей обстановке)) Настя, очень внимательный и заботливый тренер, всегда объяснит, что и как надо сделать, чтоб достичь нужного результата и получить от занятий массу положительных эмоций.В группе теплые и душевные отношения. А самое главное, что ты можешь на самом деле релакснуть и отвлечься от бытовых дел). Очень удобно, что можно придти с ребенком, если не с кем оставить). Очень рада, что в свое время пришла в группу к Насте. Также отмечу, что очень удобно добираться до занятий, так как все в центре и недалеко от метро”

“Просто отличная возможность восстановить тело под грамотным руководством, отвлечься от мамских забот, пообщаться. Занятия длятся один час, как раз хватает что бы доехать и позаниматься между кормлениями. Приятное помещение и расположение в центре. Настя – внимательный инструктор, всегда подправит если что не так ) группы небольшие. С удовольствием хожу и рекомендую мамам!”

Занятия проводятся в Минске в йога-студии Sadhana 5 мин. от м. Пл. Победы (пр. Независимости, 40а) в будни по вечерам.

Тел. +375 (29) 108 16 52, +375 (29) 533 66 41


  1. Анастасия Новицкая - Doula.by

    […] Отзыв о занятиях […]

  2. Garrett Batman

    We have hacked your website https://doula.by and extracted your databases.

    How did this happen?

    Our team has found a vulnerability within your site that we were able to exploit. After finding the vulnerability we were able to get your database credentials and extract your entire database and move the information to an offshore server.

    What does this mean?

    We will systematically go through a series of steps of totally damaging your reputation. First your database will be leaked or sold to the highest bidder which they will use with whatever their intentions are. Next if there are e-mails found they will be e-mailed that their information has been sold or leaked and your site https://doula.by was at fault thusly damaging your reputation and having angry customers/associates with whatever angry customers/associates do. Lastly any links that you have indexed in the search engines will be de-indexed based off of blackhat techniques that we used in the past to de-index Our targets.

    How do i stop this?

    We are willing to refrain from destroying your site’s reputation for a small fee. The current fee is $3000 in bitcoins (0.044 BTC).

    Send the bitcoin to the following Bitcoin address (Make sure to copy and paste):


    Once you have paid we will automatically get informed that it was your payment. Please note that you have to make payment within 5 days after receiving this e-mail or the database leak, e-mails dispatched, and de-index of your site WiLL start!

    How do i get Bitcoins?

    You can easily buy bitcoins via several websites or even offline from a Bitcoin-ATM.

    What if i don’t pay?

    We will start the attack at the indicated date and uphold it until you do, there’s no counter measure to this, you will Only end up wasting more money trying to find a solution. We will completely destroy your reputation amongst google and your customers.

    This is not a hoax, do not reply to this email, don’t try to reason or negotiate, we will not read any replies. Once you have paid we will stop what we were doing and you will never hear from us again!

    Please note that Bitcoin is anonymous and no one will find out that you have complied.

  3. Chris Costa

    Dear doula.by,

    Are you struggling to attract traffic to your site or offers? Discover the groundbreaking solution at TrafficWave Generator! Our platform revolutionizes the way you generate traffic, leveraging a platform with 450 million monthly users. Imagine tapping into this vast, untapped source with ease: https://www.busihelp.xyz/trafficwave .

    TrafficWave Generator is here to change the game. Perfect for beginners and fully automated, it’s your key to a steady stream of visitors. Say goodbye to complicated strategies and hello to effortless traffic generation.

    Don’t miss out on transforming your online presence. Stay tuned for more details tomorrow!

    Chris Costa

    UNSUBSCRIBE: https://www.busihelp.xyz/unsubscribe
    Address: 4575 Jacobs Street
    Pittsburgh, PA 15212

  4. Frank Gallagher

    Hello Visionary,

    Let’s face it, Photoshop has been both a blessing and a bane for many of us. Photoshop and Illustrator are powerhouses for digital creativity, but that steep learning curve? It’s like signing up for a four-year degree in graphic design!

    However, there’s a brighter, far simpler path to graphic excellence. It’s called StockDreams, and you can catch a glimpse here: https://www.vauleonline.co/dreamsgoogle

    StockDreams is the leveler – the platform where literally ANYONE can create top-tier graphics with ease.

    Choose from the vast selection of AI-generated templates, tweak to taste, and voilà, you’re crafting visuals that even Michelangelo would nod at. Plus, these are not just for your portfolio; they’re assets you can monetize handsomely.

    Even if design software has never been your friend, StockDreams is your ally. It’s straightforward:

    Select the image type.
    Describe with a few words.
    Download and sell your creations for profit!

    It’s so intuitive that users of any age can create striking graphics right out of the gate.

    This gem comes with commercial rights, so you can start profiting from your designs right away, selling to clients or across platforms.

    Currently, StockDreams is available at a special, discounted price, but don’t stroll – run! The price is inching up every day.

    If you’re seeking a robust income boost and want to craft exceptional designs, pay close attention to everything on the page at the link above.

    StockDreams is reshaping the game, offering you a head start on securing a lucrative income with graphics that stun and sell.

    Even for complete novices.

    Don’t miss out. Take a look now: https://www.vauleonline.co/dreamsgoogle .

    Wishing you unmatched creative success,

    Frank Gallagher

    UNSUBSCRIBE: https://www.vauleonline.co/unsubscribe
    Address: 2147 Rainbow Drive
    Youngstown, OH 44512

  5. Robert Greggs


    Social Media is almost DEAD!

    No matter what you post, go live or how much money you spend on ads..

    You just can’t get the traction & results you used to get.

    So where did all the traffic go? Actually, it’s been REINVENTED to give you an UNFAIR ADVANTAGE if know how to exploit it..

    ==> How to exploit it and get 100k visitors/month: https://www.actionnow.xyz/reelrampageai

    The biggest thing happening in social media right now is “Instagram Reels!”

    And if you’re not using this “SECRET SAUCE” AI technology + Ram’s private strategies to get more reach, followers, traffic & sales – You are missing out BIG TIME.

    Newbies, people with no real skills, no experience, no idea, and some just by pure luck, unknowingly are pulling in 10k, 100k even 1M visitors for every reel they post..

    With ReelRampage AI, you can easily create 100s of HYPER-ADDICTIVE, attention-grabbing Instagram Reels that drive traffic & sales to your websites, blogs, and offers in just 3 clicks..

    ==> WATCH QUICK DEMO HERE: https://www.actionnow.xyz/reelrampageai

    ReelRampage AI is available for a Low One Time Price during its public launch for the next few days only..

    After this week, it will turn into a higher recurring subscription price model.

    Act fast and get your account at the lowest price ever.

    ==> Get ReelRampage AI For A Low One-Time Price Now: https://www.actionnow.xyz/reelrampageai

    See you inside.

    All the best
    Robert Greggs

    UNSUBSCRIBE: https://www.actionnow.xyz/unsubscribe
    842 Carter Street
    Olney, IL 62450

  6. Dustin Beahm


    Want thousands of clients? We have compiled a list of all consumers and business’s across 149 countries for you.

    We have a special that is running today and valid till the end of the day. Come check us out:


    Consumer Records: 294,582,351
    Business Records: 25,215,278

    Selling at $99 today only.

  7. Johnny Evans

    Hey doula.by,

    Do you ever get frustrated seeing local businesses in your area lack an online presence?
    The antique store with no website…

    The family restaurant ignoring social media…
    The boutique shop without digital ads…

    Their competitors are surging ahead online while they get left behind.
    And it’s not always their fault. Digital marketing seems complicated.

    As a webmaster, you are familiar with Digital marketing, you can earn $8k/mo via Giving Local Businesses An Online Presence! But you also know that creating digital marketing campaigns is time consuming.

    That’s where AISellers comes in : https://www.kagrowth.org/aiseller
    Coupon Code: sellers

    AISellers is a revolutionary AI app that creates digital marketing campaigns tailored for any local business in just 3 simple steps:

    Step 1: Enter business name, details, location
    Step 2: AISellers analyzes business, competitors, customers
    Step 3: It generates optimized online assets like:
    Mesmerizing Explainer, Promo etc Videos for instagram, tiktok, youtube etc.
    Facebook and Google Ads
    ✍️ Landing page and optin page
    Lead Magnets and Freebies
    eBooks for lead generation

    And so much more!

    AISellers enables local businesses to:
    Get Found Locally
    Generate More Leads
    Increase Sales

    It’s perfect for:
    ️ Restaurants
    Law Firms
    Retail Stores

    And any local business!

    With AISellers you get:
    100+ Custom Video Templates
    ⭐ Commercial License Included
    ️ Text-to-Speech Voiceover
    ️ Access to Stock Media Library
    One-Click Publishing & Sharing

    : https://www.kagrowth.org/aiseller
    Coupon Code: sellers

    Become the digital hero for local companies with AISellers!

    And when you get AISellers today, you’ll also get access to my Local Marketing Bundle!

    Don’t miss out on this exclusive opportunity!

    To Your Success,
    Johnny Evans

    PS – Access AISellers + My Exclusive Bonuses – Ends at Midnight => : https://www.kagrowth.org/aiseller

    UNSUBSCRIBE: https://www.kagrowth.org/unsubscribe
    Address: 3812 Sunrise Road
    Las Vegas, NV 89101

  8. Henry Moody


    I’m so excited to bring this to you!

    Today, we’re revealing a secret so big, it’ll feel like you’ve hacked Google itself.

    This isn’t just about getting ahead; it’s about dominating.

    Join us and discover how to turn Google into your personal traffic machine. Get your link, and let’s hack our way to success together!

    Don’t miss out on this. Buy now and become a Google master!

    Click Here: https://www.earnmorenow.info/googletraffichack

    Henry Moody

    UNSUBSCRIBE: https://www.earnmorenow.info/unsubscribe
    Address: 3688 Lynn Street
    Boston, MA 02114

  9. Kit Florey

    Discover hassle-free access to BG/SBLC financial instruments with us. Benefit from our direct links to esteemed banks like HSBC, ensuring swift lease or purchase options tailored to your needs. Our strengths lie in quick transactions, global funding solutions, and rewarding referral bonuses. Intermediaries such as brokers and consultants are warmly welcomed to join our network. Contact us today at +852 3001 8851 or info@bestcapital.hk, or visit our website at https://bestcapital.hk to experience the best in financial solutions.

  10. Preston Jones

    we all know that getting high-quality authority links is the REAL key to long-term page 1 rankings, right?

    It doesn’t matter if you’re trying to:

    – do some quick launch jacking..
    – rank your video on page 1
    – rank your niche sites on page 1
    – rank your e-commerce sites on page 1
    – rank your Amazon listings
    – rank your CLIENT’s sites
    – or rank ANY kind of content for that matter..

    WITHOUT high-quality syndication, you’re getting NO WHERE – Guaranteed!

    And that’s why I’m excited to get this PROVEN system, DFY Suite, into your hands.

    DFY Suite will allow you to Get FREE, Targeted BUYER-Traffic In 48 Hours Or Less By Leveraging The Power Of High-Quality Social Syndication With their NEW, Done-For-YOU System!

    AND they have just released their BIGGEST update to date.

    They’ve made it better easier and faster to get ALL of your rankings DONE FOR YOU!

    Introducing DFY Suite 5.0!

    Yup, you can now leverage the POWER of Page 1 Rankings Via Social Syndication for ANY location and/or ANY language with:

    – NO Software To Install
    – No Software Training To Learn
    – No previous SEO knowledge or experience
    – No Social Account Creation Needed
    – No Content Needed Besides their URL
    – No Proxies or Captchas Needed
    – NONE of that stuff..

    Heck, you don’t even need to KNOW what social syndication IS lol

    All you need to do is:

    1. Login to the web-based portal
    2. Submit your Keywords and URL you want traffic for
    3. Hit “Submit”

    Yup, That’s IT!

    From There their System Will Get To Work And Build You HUNDREDS of High-Quality Syndication Links To Your Content to skyrocket it to page 1 of Google!

    PLUS, if you’re 100% NEW to SEO, they’re also including a quick CRASH course on Keyword Research AND Content optimization that should take you no more than 20-30 minutes to go through.

    With DFY Suite PLUS the Keyword Research and Content Optimization crash course, you’ll be able to start getting traffic from Google without EVER having to spend HOURS upon HOURS doing the HEAVY-LIFTING yourself.

    Check out DFY Suite Here: https://www.truevaule.xyz/dfysuite

    “But wait, did you say they’ve just opened 5.0?”

    Yup, and with their 5.0 updates they have made their platform BETTER, FASTER and MORE powerful to Deliver you even MORE rankings, Traffic & sales.

    In version 5.0 they have:

    – 5x’d their sites, 5x’d the authority, 5x’d the ranking power! Now instead of being able to get up to 200 different syndication links to your content, you can get up to 1,000! And the domains they’ve added are ALL packing A LOT more authority

    – Done for you GLOBAL Rankings. Yup, WORLDWIDE Rankings are finally HERE via their multi-language support. Yes, you read that correctly! They now cover EVERY LANGUAGE you can think of, so you can get page 1 rankings REGARDLESS of where you are in the world!

    – Totally revamped their server set up to now Include IP’s from ALL over the world to SUPERCHARGE their new WORLDWIDE ranking power!

    – Totally revamped their content generation system Which is now powered by REAL Artificial intelligence With Creaite being the engine to that! REAl A.I means QUALITY, unique content being written for EVERY campaign You submit. And we ALL know how much Google loves quality content.

    – and much much more… (they have a WHOLE section And video covering what’s new in 5.0 – there’s 7 MAJOR updates total)

    This is EASILY their MOST powerful update To date and you can get access to it at an INSANE discount.

    Check out how it works here: https://www.truevaule.xyz/dfysuite

    This is the GO-TO platform for DFY, page 1 rankings!

    Preston Jones

    P.S. Getting page 1 rankings has NEVER been easier.

    With DFY Suite You’ll be able to:

    – rank your videos on page 1
    – rank your niche sites on page 1
    – rank your e-commerce sites on page 1
    – rank your Amazon listings
    – rank your CLIENT’s sites
    – rank ANY URL you’d like to get traffic for..

    It’s really the PERFECT solution for us “lazy” seo marketers hahah

    And their 5.0 updates have REALLY taken things to the NEXT level!

    check it out here: https://www.truevaule.xyz/dfysuite

    UNSUBSCRIBE: https://www.truevaule.xyz/unsubscribe

    Address: 3509 B Street, Farmington, MN 55024

  11. Robin Cash


    If you ever tried to get followers on Facebook, Youtube, Instagram you know how HARD, TIME TAKING, and EXPENSIVE it can be.

    The only way to become successful was to drop everything else – create 5-20 high-quality content EVERYDAY, for maybe 2-3 years, then luckily you might get 10K-50K followers

    But NOT Anymore! The Biggest Reel-VOLUTION of 2024 is here..

    If you know how to EXPLOIT Instagram & FB FAVOURITISM for reel…

    … you can drive 100,000s maybe millions of visitors, grow your subs, followers to 10k-100k or more in just weeks!

    ==> Get ReelRampage AI (see Results here): https://www.busitoday.co/reelins

    Imagine posting 15-30 sec videos, getting MILLIONS of free viewers, followers, fame – with ZERO budget & ads.

    All you need is this “secret sauce” AI tech.. Which helps you quickly and easily create 100s of HYPER-ADDICTIVE Instagram Reels in minutes..

    Then follow the STEP BY STEP process and watch your stats skyrocket. (private training & strategies included)

    See the kind of results kids, newbies, everyday people are getting with Reels:

    “7.7 Millions Views Posting Affiliate Offers”
    “4.5 Millions Views Posting eCom Products”
    “421K Views Posting Just Images As Reels”
    “10.4 Millions Views Posting Other People Videos”

    If you are ready to get an UNFAIR Advantage..and EXPLOIT Instagram & FB for 10s of THOUSANDs of subs, followers in days.. grab ReelRampage AI now.

    ==> Get your copy here: https://www.busitoday.co/reelins

    Talk soon,
    Robin Cash

    UNSUBSCRIBE: https://www.busitoday.co/unsubscribe
    Address: 2048 County Line Road
    Winter Haven, FL 33830

  12. Hiram Adams

    Hey there Visionary,

    Ever feel like you’re in an endless battle for traffic, stuck between high-cost ads and the slow burn of SEO? It’s time to tap into a gold mine that most are overlooking: Google Image Search powered by AI.

    Introducing StockDreams, the game-changer in visual content creation: https://www.realdollar.xyz/dreamsgoogle

    StockDreams isn’t just another image tool; it’s a visionary’s playground, powered by AI to ensure your visuals do more than just ‘show’ – they perform.

    With StockDreams, you’re unlocking an arsenal of AI-generated visuals, from captivating stock images and vibrant illustrations to bespoke logos, icons, and even brand characters.

    Not to mention the doodles that can bring the fun to your brand voice, and product images that sell not just a product but a story.

    Here’s what StockDreams unlocks for you:

    ?? AI-generated stock images tailored to your niche.

    ?? Custom illustrations to give your content a polished, professional edge.

    ?? Dynamic logos and icons that capture your brand essence.

    ?? Unique brand characters to personify your business and connect with audiences.

    ??? Engaging doodles to humanize your marketing and make it relatable.

    ?? Product images that spotlight your offerings in the best light.

    And all of this comes with an easy-to-use image editor that makes customization a breeze.

    Ready to revolutionize how you attract visitors? Dive into the world of StockDreams: https://www.realdollar.xyz/dreamsgoogle

    Wave goodbye to traffic woes and hello to a visually-rich future.

    StockDreams is not just a solution; it’s your partner in capturing the attention your business deserves.

    Unlock your potential, one click at a time.

    Excited for you to see the difference,

    Hiram Adams

    UNSUBSCRIBE: https://www.realdollar.xyz/unsubscribe
    Address: 1737 Chenoweth Drive
    Cookeville, TN 38501

  13. Phil Stewart

    Want Your Ad Everywhere? Reach Millions Instantly! For less than $100 I can blast your message to website contact forms globally. Contact me via skype or email below for info

    P. Stewart
    Email: y8lmtk@mail-to-form.xyz
    Skype: form-blasting

  14. John Wood

    Amazing product alert!

    Ever dreamed of making money from Google traffic so easily it almost feels like magic? Well, dream no more! We’ve got the golden key to unlock endless earnings, and it’s launching now!

    This isn’t just another product; it’s a revolution that’s set to explode. With our strategy, you’ll see cash flowing in faster than you can count.

    Don’t miss out on the action. Get your link now, and let’s make this the biggest payday yet!

    Act fast – it’s time to turn those dreams into reality. Buy now!

    Click Here : https://www.solveques.xyz/googletraffichack

    John Wood

    UNSUBSCRIBE: https://www.solveques.xyz/unsubscribe
    Address: 2320 Oliverio Drive
    Big Bow, KS 67832

  15. Angie Logsdon

    Did you know that a mere 1% of users bother to browse past the first page of search results? Don’t miss the chance to attract more traffic – get a complimentary website SEO audit today and boost your search engine ranking. Click here to fill out the form for Free SEO Website Audit: https://badgerdigitalmarketingsolutions.com/contact/

  16. Leah Briggs

    Hi there,

    My name is Leah from Monkey Digital,

    Allow me to present to you a lifetime revenue opportunity of 35%
    That’s right, you can earn 35% of every order made by your affiliate for life.

    Simply register with us, generate your affiliate links, and incorporate them on your website, and you are done. It takes only 5 minutes to set up everything, and the payouts are sent each month.

    Click here to enroll with us today:

    Think about it,
    Every website owner requires the use of search engine optimization (SEO) for their website. This endeavor holds significant potential for both parties involved.

    Thanks and regards
    Leah Briggs
    Monkey Digital

  17. Elizabet Berrios

    Get Found On The First Page of Google in Less Than 2 weeks by Using our Priority Stealth S.E.O. Syndication Method.

    Pay us once and you’ll get Organic Search Engine Results using videos that will continue to drive traffic 24/7 year round!

    The Benefits are incredible – since by paying us once there will be:

    – No Additional Ad spend needed!

    – No Additional Costs for Ad copy!

    – No Additional Costs per Clicks!

    – No Commercial Licensing fees ever!

    Get Started Today and Get Seen Tomorrow!

    Learn More: Reviews2Videos.com

  18. Neil

    Hi there,

    This is Neil, and I’m here to boost your brand’s visibility and credibility by sharing your articles on other high-quality websites. This will establish your authority and enhance SEO.
    Your articles need to be at least 600 words, or I can write one for you at an extra cost.

    Ready to elevate your brand? Reply at Brandbuildingassistance@outlook.com to begin.

  19. Arianne Stace

    If you look closely in the Bible, there are very specific warnings of the rise of AI

    Revelation 13 talks of the emergence of the Anti-Christ, a great deceiver that will rise in times of great chaos and confusion

    And, right now, AI’s influence is rapidly spreading around the world in disguise.

    Sadly, most people are blissfully unaware.

    See here why: https://tinyurl.com/thefinalisnear

    Or perhaps already corrupted by its “touch.”

    Even more alarmingly, AI is getting more and more powerful

    Chat GPT 4, a version of Microsoft’s AI, was opened to the public in March 2023

    It is reported to contain 10 times the knowledge base of Chat GPT 3…

    And have 100 Billion times more processing power.

    What comes next?

    American Christians have made a short documentary to help you understand and prepare for the dangers of AI.

    If you truly believe in God, and his biblical prophecies, I urge you to watch the video now.

    Because Big Tech could take it down at any moment.

    Click here to watch it right now: https://tinyurl.com/thefinalisnear

  20. Michael Walker


    Throughout the past few years, billions of people around the world have made drastic changes to their daily lives.

    This particular industry has been growing EXPLOSIVELY, and it seems all the world is now hooked on it: https://www.nowbusiness.info/coursemateai

    What are they hooked on?

    eLearning. I’m guessing you’ve heard about and seen it by now. There’s a good chance you’ve been a participant too.

    The eLearning industry has absolutely exploded with growth, as it has gained tens of millions of new participants each month and continues to grow daily.

    All kinds of people have jumped into the eLearning world. Students of all ages have integrated eLearning into their schooling, but that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

    Professionals in all fields have turned to eLearning to increase their knowledge, or learn new skills to help them with better employment.

    Others ranging from stay-home-moms to retirees have been flocking to eLearning to enhance their lives, become healthier, and participate in new hobbies.

    When you factor in all the pet-training courses, it literally seems like everyone including grandma, and grandma’s dog is getting involved in eLearning!

    The eLearning market is now a $400 Billion industry and is predicted to grow it $840 Billion by the end of the decade.

    This is the perfect time to jump into the eLearning market, and I’ve got a great opportunity for you to start today.

    Using this brand-new AI-powered platform, you can launch your own eLearning business in a matter of minutes, with no prior experience or technical skills needed!

    I recommend going here and checking it out immediately: https://www.nowbusiness.info/coursemateai

    The launch special will be expiring soon, so don’t wait.

    Others are already joining this great opportunity, don’t let it slip by!

    To your success,

    Michael Walker

    UNSUBSCRIBE: https://www.nowbusiness.info/unsubscribe
    Address: 1264 Prospect Street
    Haddonfield, NJ 08033

  21. Kevin Ellis

    Hey doula.by,

    Are you looking to get more traffic, followers and sales FAST?

    You could be missing out on a HUGE opportunity – Instagram Reels.

    ==> : https://www.keydollar.xyz/reelins

    Why it’s such a BIG DEAL right now?

    – It’s 100x faster and easier than creating long-form content

    – There is a WARM BUYER AUDIENCE (25-34 yr olds) that is eager to view & engage

    – Instagram & FB gives MORE EXPOSURE & PRIORITIZE Reel content

    – Getting organic reach has never been easier, you can get to MILLIONS of free views!

    Now – the only thing you need is a “SECRET SAUCE” AI technology to help you quickly and easily create 100s of HYPER-ADDICTIVE Reels..

    Plus, with their Step-by-step training, strategies, you can EXPLOIT Instagram & FB for 10s of THOUSANDs of visitors, followers in days..

    Drive these traffic to your website, offers, products…

    The best part is – you can do all this without writing scripts, editing, spending hrs everyday and ANY special skills.

    ==> Get ReelRampage AI before it’s too late: https://www.keydollar.xyz/reelins

    See you inside

    Kevin Ellis

    UNSUBSCRIBE: https://www.keydollar.xyz/unsubscribe
    Address: 3655 James Avenue
    Lyons, NY 14489

  22. Jacklyn Escobar

    Hey, it’s been a proper rollercoaster journey for me,

    but finally I’ve managed to build platform connecting ppl with mobile car valeters (think Uber Eats for car cleaning!). Came upon your site & thought you might like the idea.

    Dw I’m not about to sell you backlinks or a cheap website. lol

    In 2 weeks I’ve launched a full MVP – valeters can accept online bookings & payments (I take an 18% cut). Also I’ve automated free listings for UK valeting companies, already indexed & ranking on Google.

    As a fellow founder, I know you know the challenges with new companies. I’m basically looking to raise £60k for 15% equity to fuel growth.

    If keen, let’s chat more on a call. No pressure tho. Worst case, we can swap founder war stories! Always appreciate advice.

    Thanks for your time mate, I know it’s precious!


  23. Ron Pullen


    It’s been some time, but I just got emailed a warning article online about doula.by and felt compelled to reach out to validate this review.

    It appears like there’s some rumors circulating that could be detrimental.
    Understanding how fast misinformation can spread and hoping not you to be caught off guard, I decided to inform you.

    Here’s where I found the info:


    I hope it’s all a mix-up, but I thought it best you should know!

    Best wishes,

  24. Albert Robey

    Hello Visionary,

    Let’s face it, Photoshop has been both a blessing and a bane for many of us. Photoshop and Illustrator are powerhouses for digital creativity, but that steep learning curve? It’s like signing up for a four-year degree in graphic design!

    However, there’s a brighter, far simpler path to graphic excellence. It’s called StockDreams, and you can catch a glimpse here: https://www.actionnow.xyz/dreamsgoogle

    StockDreams is the leveler – the platform where literally ANYONE can create top-tier graphics with ease.

    Choose from the vast selection of AI-generated templates, tweak to taste, and voilà, you’re crafting visuals that even Michelangelo would nod at. Plus, these are not just for your portfolio; they’re assets you can monetize handsomely.

    Even if design software has never been your friend, StockDreams is your ally. It’s straightforward:

    Select the image type.
    Describe with a few words.
    Download and sell your creations for profit!

    It’s so intuitive that users of any age can create striking graphics right out of the gate.

    This gem comes with commercial rights, so you can start profiting from your designs right away, selling to clients or across platforms.

    Currently, StockDreams is available at a special, discounted price, but don’t stroll – run! The price is inching up every day.

    If you’re seeking a robust income boost and want to craft exceptional designs, pay close attention to everything on the page at the link above.

    StockDreams is reshaping the game, offering you a head start on securing a lucrative income with graphics that stun and sell.

    Even for complete novices.

    Don’t miss out. Take a look now: https://www.actionnow.xyz/dreamsgoogle .

    Wishing you unmatched creative success,

    Albert Robey

    UNSUBSCRIBE: https://www.actionnow.xyz/unsubscribe
    Address: 246 Black Oak Hollow Road
    Sunnyvale, CA 94089


  25. Michael Walls

    Hi doula.by,

    I’m so excited to bring this to you!

    Today, we’re revealing a secret so big, it’ll feel like you’ve hacked Google itself.

    This isn’t just about getting ahead; it’s about dominating.

    Join us and discover how to turn Google into your personal traffic machine. Get your link, and let’s hack our way to success together!

    Don’t miss out on this. Buy now and become a Google master!

    Click Here: https://www.enterprisetoday.info/googletraffichack

    Michael Walls

    UNSUBSCRIBE: https://www.enterprisetoday.info/unsubscribe
    Address: 464 Charla Lane
    Dallas, TX 75247

  26. Dave Aycock

    Have you heard of Se-REM? (Self effective – Rapid Eye Movement). Many people don’t know that REM brain activity dramatically improves the processing of traumatic emotion. It creates peace and empowers the listener. Se-REM is an advanced version of EMDR therapy. It is more powerful because it combines elements of 6 different therapies, EMDR, hypnosis, mindfulness, Gestalt child within work, music therapy, and Awe therapy,(connecting profoundly with nature).

    It has helped thousands of people overcome PTSD, and anxiety. But it is also helpful in a great many situations, loss of any kind, grief, and even marital counseling. It’s mission statement is “Trauma relief at as close to free as possible”. This not-for-profit program downloads to a smart phone or computer and can be used in an office or at home. Read about it, hear samples, and download at: Se-REM.com. Once you own the program, you are encouraged to give it away to others who will benefit. I provide free consultation to all who use the program. Write questions to: davidb@se-rem.com.

    Se-REM.com has a 95% rating on Trustpilot and is in use in 32 countries.

  27. Glenna Haining

    hi, just a warning,

    It’s been some time since we last communicated, but I just got emailed a very negative opinon online about doula.by and thought it important to email you guys to disprove this review.

    It looks like there’s some rumors circulating that could be detrimental.
    Understanding how quickly rumors can spiral and wishing not you to be caught off guard, I decided to warn you.

    Here’s where I found the info:


    I hope it’s all a mix-up, but I thought it best you should know!

    Wishing you all the best,

  28. Jeremy Hartley

    Hi doula.by,

    You’ve no-doubt heard about the success of Udemy and other eLearning platforms like it.

    Last year Udemy alone did in the range of $600-700 Million, and the industry as a whole is around $400 Billion.

    But here’s a dirty little secret about the business: Udemy isn’t even making profits yet.

    OK, technically it’s not a secret since they’re a publicly-held company, but most of their instructors and customers are certainly not aware of it.

    Along with their competitors in the industry, they’re focused on growth, and as a result they’re losing tens of millions of dollars every quarter.

    That’s not to say that it’s a bad business, or won’t become profitable.

    However, I bring this up to make two points:

    1) There’s a better way for most of us to start an eLearning business.

    2) You really can compete with platforms like Udemy.

    Here’s a brand new AI solution that allowed you to start your own Udemy-like academies in a matter of minutes: https://www.busihelp.xyz/coursemateai

    While companies like Udemy are building their business like a typical startup in the world of Fortune 500 companies (raising gazillions from investors, taking years to become profitable, etc.), individual entrepreneurs can create a profitable business immediately.

    No red tape to cut through. No investors to keep happy and pay back. You can start for pennies and be profitable from day one.

    In that sense, you REALLY can compete with platforms like Udemy.

    Using this new AI platform called CourseMateAi, you can also compete with them in other ways.

    By harnessing the power of AI, you can generate new courses on any topic, at any time.

    That gives you an edge over those other platforms. Suppose there is a new trend or breakthrough in a niche. You can create a course with the AI and launch it within minutes, while instructors on Udemy are scrambling for weeks to do the same.

    Again, all this is not to say that the mega-platforms like Udemy and Coursera are bad. Just to say that you can beat them at their own game by leveraging this new technology today: https://www.busihelp.xyz/coursemateai

    Right now CourseMateAi is super affordable during the launch special, but the price will be increasing to a monthly subscription due to huge demand. Get in now before it’s too late.

    To your success,

    Jeremy Hartley

    UNSUBSCRIBE: https://www.busihelp.xyz/unsubscribe
    Address: 2416 Queens Lane
    Lynchburg, VA 24504

  29. John Cathcart

    SEO ensures your website stands out when people search for products or services. Google prioritizes relevance and reliability to decide which sites appear on the first pages, underscoring the need for effective website presentation.

    SEO Benefits in Brief:
    1. Boosts Visibility and Traffic:
    2. Establishes Trust:
    3. Yields High ROI:
    4. Enhances User Experience:
    Google announced prioritizing pages based on user experience in their algorithm.
    In essence, SEO is your key to standing out, building trust, and ensuring a high return on investment.

    Contact us at https://digitalpromax.co/?src=a14doula.by

    Also Need expert hands on your WordPress projects? We’ve got you covered. Let’s discuss how our WordPress developers can boost your web endeavors.

    Click here for more details: https://outsource-bpo.com/website/?src=a14doula.by

  30. Hanna Harney

    Unlimited FREE Buyer Traffic On Autopilot

    Fully-automated software for SET & FORGET traffic 24/7

    Ultra-fast SAME DAY results

    100% free traffic and it always will be

    Click on link —-> https://instantrealtraffic.com/go

  31. David Minifie

    Have you heard of Se-REM? (Self effective – Rapid Eye Movement). Many people don’t know that REM brain activity dramatically improves the processing of traumatic emotion. It creates peace and empowers the listener. Se-REM is an advanced version of EMDR therapy. It is more powerful because it combines elements of 6 different therapies, EMDR, hypnosis, mindfulness, Gestalt child within work, music therapy, and Awe therapy,(connecting profoundly with nature).

    It has helped thousands of people overcome PTSD, and anxiety. But it is also helpful in a great many situations, loss of any kind, grief, and even marital counseling. It’s mission statement is “Trauma relief at as close to free as possible”. This not-for-profit program downloads to a smart phone or computer and can be used in an office or at home. Read about it, hear samples, and download at: Se-REM.com. Once you own the program, you are encouraged to give it away to others who will benefit. I provide free consultation to all who use the program. Write questions to: davidb@se-rem.com.

    Se-REM.com has a 95% rating on Trustpilot and is in use in 32 countries.

  32. William Ziemba

    Hey doula.by,

    It’s a FACT that Instagram is the HOTTEST & BIGGEST traffic and buyer platforms right now.

    Traffic, money, fame.. it’s ALL there for the taking.. If you know what to do.

    But only if you know how to exploit it..

    ==> See How To EXPLOIT INSTAGRAM & generate 100k visitors next month: https://www.vauleonline.co/reelins

    Instagram (and FB) is Favouring Reels, and organically PUSHING them hard resulting in massive reach, engagement, traffic & sales..

    Many websites, newbies, small businesses went from being (almost) unknown to building huge empires and getting rich using Reels as their primary source of traffic.

    BUT.. you need to post a LOT of reels everyday and that takes hours & days to do…

    … plus you must know the RIGHT way, RIGHT strategy to create & post reels or they won’t even get seen.

    With ReelRampage AI, a new “SECRET SAUCE” AI technology that helps you quickly and easily create 100s of HYPER-ADDICTIVE, attention grabbing Reels in minutes…

    … getting you more reach, followers, traffic & sales.. FAST!

    ==> Watch Quick Demo Here : https://www.vauleonline.co/reelins

    Plus with Ram’s step-by-step video training and case studies, you’ll have everything you need to become a reels master & take your traffic game to the next level!

    ReelRampage AI is available for a Low One Time Price during its public launch for the next few days only..

    After this week, it will turn into a higher recurring subscription price model.

    Take action now to start getting free leads and sales

    ==> Get ReelRampage AI For A Low One-Time Price Now : https://www.vauleonline.co/reelins

    All the best,
    William Ziemba

    UNSUBSCRIBE: https://www.vauleonline.co/unsubscribe
    Address: 2874 Red Maple Drive
    Santa Fe Springs, CA 90670

  33. Theresa Smith


    Do you sometimes find yourself in a tug of war between work and fitness? We have the perfect solution for you – Elebands!

    Elebands offers ultra-thin, fashionable all day wearable body weight bands that seamlessly integrate into your daily routine. Burn up to 1,500 calories a day by simply wearing our bands on your wrist, ankle, and waist while you go about your normal day.

    The best part is we have full body weight sets ranging from 3 lbs – 30 lbs to ensure optimal results no matter what your fitness goals are.

    Plus! We have bands for sports, casual, and formal occasions that you can wear with any outfit, ensuring you stay stylish while achieving your fitness goals.

    With Elebands, you no longer have to choose between work and exercise. Our body weight bands enable you to lose weight and get fit regardless of your location or activity. Enjoy these instant benefits:

    1. Burn Calories: Effortlessly burn up to 1,500 calories daily, toning your body as you go about your day.

    2. Natural Weight Loss: Say goodbye to intense workouts and stressful diets. Elebands helps you lose weight naturally.

    3. Build Strength: Develop lean muscles and enhance your strength as you carry out your regular activities.

    Imagine achieving your dream body without stepping foot in a gym or following a strict diet plan. With Elebands, it’s possible.

    Many of our clients are losing 2-3 pounds per week while experiencing significant health improvements. To get started visit our website now at https://bit.ly/elebands-special and embrace the Elebands experience.

    Let Elebands be your partner in achieving a fit and healthy lifestyle. Start your transformation today!

    Warm regards,

    Theresa Smith
    Brand Ambassador
    Elebands USA

    Visit our website NOW! https://bit.ly/elebands-special

  34. Ulrich Herrell

    Hi there,

    I’ve just been on doula.by and wondered if you’d ever considered writing an eBook?

    Our software allows you to turn doula.by into a fully designed eBook. Just provide the content source, and the AI will do the rest.

    1. Generate unique and human-like content, ensuring your eBook is engaging and informative.
    2. Create stunning 3D eCovers to grab attention and make your book stand out.
    3. Publish your eBook instantly on a built-in marketplace with potential buyers.
    4. Distribute your book to over 50 publications to increase your reach and drive traffic.

    The price is just $16.95 but the price rises shortly.

    Learn more: https://furtherinfo.org/zfqs


  35. Whitney McKinney

    Hey there Visionary,

    Ever feel like you’re in an endless battle for traffic, stuck between high-cost ads and the slow burn of SEO? It’s time to tap into a gold mine that most are overlooking: Google Image Search powered by AI.

    Introducing StockDreams, the game-changer in visual content creation: https://www.kagrowth.org/dreamsgoogle

    StockDreams isn’t just another image tool; it’s a visionary’s playground, powered by AI to ensure your visuals do more than just ‘show’ – they perform.

    With StockDreams, you’re unlocking an arsenal of AI-generated visuals, from captivating stock images and vibrant illustrations to bespoke logos, icons, and even brand characters.

    Not to mention the doodles that can bring the fun to your brand voice, and product images that sell not just a product but a story.

    Here’s what StockDreams unlocks for you:

    ?? AI-generated stock images tailored to your niche.

    ?? Custom illustrations to give your content a polished, professional edge.

    ?? Dynamic logos and icons that capture your brand essence.

    ?? Unique brand characters to personify your business and connect with audiences.

    ??? Engaging doodles to humanize your marketing and make it relatable.

    ?? Product images that spotlight your offerings in the best light.

    And all of this comes with an easy-to-use image editor that makes customization a breeze.

    Ready to revolutionize how you attract visitors? Dive into the world of StockDreams: https://www.kagrowth.org/dreamsgoogle

    Wave goodbye to traffic woes and hello to a visually-rich future.

    StockDreams is not just a solution; it’s your partner in capturing the attention your business deserves.

    Unlock your potential, one click at a time.

    Excited for you to see the difference,

    Whitney McKinney

    UNSUBSCRIBE: https://www.kagrowth.org/unsubscribe
    Address: 3587 Meadowcrest Lane
    Beattyville, KY 41311


  36. Zenaida Burges

    hi, just a warning,

    We haven’t spoken in a while, but I came across a warning article online about doula.by and immediately needed to reach out to confirm this review.

    It seems like there’s some rumors circulating that could be harmful to your reputation.
    Understanding how easily stories can get out of hand and wishing not you to be caught off guard, I felt the need to warn you.

    Here’s where I found the info:

    I hope it’s all a misunderstanding, but I thought it best you should know!

    Wishing you all the best,

  37. Dave Hone

    Have you heard of Se-REM? (Self effective – Rapid Eye Movement). Many people don’t know that REM brain activity dramatically improves the processing of traumatic emotion. It creates peace and empowers the listener. Se-REM is an advanced version of EMDR therapy. It is more powerful because it combines elements of 6 different therapies, EMDR, hypnosis, mindfulness, Gestalt child within work, music therapy, and Awe therapy,(connecting profoundly with nature).

    It has helped thousands of people overcome PTSD, and anxiety. But it is also helpful in a great many situations, loss of any kind, grief, and even marital counseling. It’s mission statement is “Trauma relief at as close to free as possible”. This not-for-profit program downloads to a smart phone or computer and can be used in an office or at home. Read about it, hear samples, and download at: Se-REM.com. Once you own the program, you are encouraged to give it away to others who will benefit. I provide free consultation to all who use the program. Write questions to: davidb@se-rem.com.

    Se-REM.com has a 95% rating on Trustpilot and is in use in 32 countries.

  38. Kimberly Cochran

    Hey doula.by,

    Wish you could get floods of traffic with just a click? Today is your lucky day! We’re launching something so big, it’s going to change the game forever.

    Imagine directing a tsunami of eager visitors straight to your website. Our upcoming launch is making waves, and our community is buzzing with excitement.

    Secure your spot now. Dive in, and let the traffic tsunami boost your sales to sky-high levels!

    Don’t wait – the wave is coming. Buy now and ride the traffic tsunami to success!

    Click Here: https://www.earnmorenow.info/gettraffic

    Kimberly Cochran

    UNSUBSCRIBE: https://www.earnmorenow.info/unsubscribe
    Address: 4348 Ridenour Street
    Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301

  39. Robert Campbell

    Hi doula.by,

    Ever wondered, “What if Udemy and ChatGPT had a baby?” Well, ponder no more!

    Meet CourseMateAi, the revolutionary eLearning platform that’s about to change the game: https://www.vaulemedia.com/profitcourse

    Imagine owning your very own academy. That’s right, YOUR academy. With CourseMateAi, it’s not just a dream; it’s your new reality.

    But wait, it gets even better. CourseMateAi harnesses the power of AI technology to create courses on literally any topic you can think of. Yes, ANY topic. The possibilities? Endless.

    The best thing is, you get to keep 100% of the profits!

    With CourseMateAi, you’re not just an instructor; you’re a pioneer and leader in the world of eLearning.

    You can now harness the power of AI to build your own academy with courses in any niche,and make a lot of dollars.

    Yes, the AI creates the courses too. Check out the demo here and join today: https://www.vaulemedia.com/profitcourse

    Right now, it’s super affordable during the launch special, but due to high demand they plan to increase the price to a monthly subscription for those who join later. So don’t wait, check it out now!

    To your success,

    Robert Campbell

    UNSUBSCRIBE: https://www.vaulemedia.com/unsubscribe
    Address: 669 Fleming Street
    Montgomery, AL 36104

  40. Jerome Espitia

    Hey doula.by,

    How would you like to get Bitc0in and ethereum from the comfort of your own home?

    But without all the headaches:

    No trading it..
    No buying it..
    No mining it…

    Instead, what if you could get it at no cost?

    With nothing but your phone or computer?

    It’s all possible with this brand new system..

    =>> Click Here To See How It’s Done: https://www.moregold.xyz/coinz

    This is seriously creative..


    And most importantly it WORKS!

    You’ve got to give this a try..

    =>> Click Here To Receive Bitc0in: https://www.moregold.xyz/coinz

    You’re going to love this one 🙂

    My best,
    Jerome Espitia

    UNSUBSCRIBE: https://www.moregold.xyz/unsubscribe
    Address: 2294 Hazelwood Avenue
    West Des Moines, IA 50266

  41. Norma Wrench

    Did you know that a mere 1% of users bother to browse past the first page of search results? Don’t miss the chance to attract more traffic – get a complimentary website SEO audit today and boost your search engine ranking. Click here to fill out the form for Free SEO Website Audit: https://badgerdigitalmarketingsolutions.com/contact/

  42. Royce Berkman

    Hi there

    Just checked your doula.by’s baclink profile, I noticed a moderate percentage of toxic links pointing to your website

    We will investigate each link for its toxicity and perform a professional clean up for you free of charge.

    Start recovering your ranks today:

    Thanks and regards

  43. Dante


    I know you’re very busy, but browsing your website I’ve got a vision how I could bring you more clients from the internet because this is something I already did before for a company like yours.

    If 15 minutes of your time isn’t too much to ask, then maybe we could jump on a quick Skype chat to discuss this?

    Thanks for consideration,


    email: DanteHighRevenue@proton.me
    company: High Revenue

  44. Carmel Pritt


    We noticed your domain: doula.by is listed in very few directories.

    Directories have a very high Page Rank Score and provide really good back links

    Company visit us on Company Registar and list your domain in all the directories.


  45. Alicia Louden

    Unlimited FREE Buyer Traffic On Autopilot

    Fully-automated software for SET & FORGET traffic 24/7

    Ultra-fast SAME DAY results

    100% free traffic and it always will be

    Click on link —-> https://instantrealtraffic.com/go

  46. Mark Freedman


    If you are reading this message, That means my marketing is working. I can make your ad message reach 5 million sites in the same manner for just $50 and Bigger package 15 Million forms for Just $125. It’s the most affordable way to market your business or services. Contact me by email virgo.t3@gmail.com or skype me at live:.cid.dbb061d1dcb9127a

  47. Sean Johnson

    Hello Visionary,

    Let’s face it, Photoshop has been both a blessing and a bane for many of us. Photoshop and Illustrator are powerhouses for digital creativity, but that steep learning curve? It’s like signing up for a four-year degree in graphic design!

    However, there’s a brighter, far simpler path to graphic excellence. It’s called StockDreams, and you can catch a glimpse here: https://www.truevaule.xyz/dreamsgoogle

    StockDreams is the leveler – the platform where literally ANYONE can create top-tier graphics with ease.

    Choose from the vast selection of AI-generated templates, tweak to taste, and voilà, you’re crafting visuals that even Michelangelo would nod at. Plus, these are not just for your portfolio; they’re assets you can monetize handsomely.

    Even if design software has never been your friend, StockDreams is your ally. It’s straightforward:

    Select the image type.
    Describe with a few words.
    Download and sell your creations for profit!

    It’s so intuitive that users of any age can create striking graphics right out of the gate.

    This gem comes with commercial rights, so you can start profiting from your designs right away, selling to clients or across platforms.

    Currently, StockDreams is available at a special, discounted price, but don’t stroll – run! The price is inching up every day.

    If you’re seeking a robust income boost and want to craft exceptional designs, pay close attention to everything on the page at the link above.

    StockDreams is reshaping the game, offering you a head start on securing a lucrative income with graphics that stun and sell.

    Even for complete novices.

    Don’t miss out. Take a look now: https://www.truevaule.xyz/dreamsgoogle .

    Wishing you unmatched creative success,

    Sean Johnson

    UNSUBSCRIBE: https://www.truevaule.xyz/unsubscribe
    Address: 1793 Sunny Glen Lane
    Garfield Heights, OH 44128


  48. Jerry Henn

    Amazing product alert, doula.by!

    Ever dreamed of making money from Google traffic so easily it almost feels like magic? Well, dream no more! We’ve got the golden key to unlock endless earnings, and it’s launching now!

    This isn’t just another product; it’s a revolution that’s set to explode. With our strategy, you’ll see cash flowing in faster than you can count.

    Don’t miss out on the action. Get your link now, and let’s make this the biggest payday yet!

    Act fast – it’s time to turn those dreams into reality. Buy now!

    Click Here : https://www.busitoday.co/gettraffic

    Jerry Henn

    UNSUBSCRIBE: https://www.busitoday.co/unsubscribe
    Address: 3850 Prudence Street
    Maryland Heights, MI 63043

  49. Catherine Nivison

    Unlimited FREE Buyer Traffic On Autopilot

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    Click on link —-> https://instantrealtraffic.com/go

  50. Casey Bickersteth


    I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to reach out to you today to discuss logo products and apparel for your business.

    Quick question: Who would be the best contact to discuss your company logo products and apparel such as:

    -Printed T-shirts
    -Logo mugs
    -Branded water bottles
    -Custom USB flash drives
    -Logo pens
    -plus 300,000 other products for your business


    With over two decades of experience in the promotional products industry, our company is dedicated to helping businesses like yours leave a lasting impression.

    Our wide range of custom-branded merchandise is designed to elevate your brand, foster customer loyalty, and drive sales.

    From captivating trade show giveaways to thoughtful employee incentive programs and impressive corporate gifts, we have the expertise to create unique promotional items tailored to your specific needs. Our team of promo product specialists will guide you through the entire process, from selecting the perfect items for your business to designing and creating custom logos that speak to your brand identity.

    As your one-stop-shop for branded merchandise, we ensure top-quality finished products are delivered right to your doorstep, making the process seamless and hassle-free.

    Let’s connect and explore how our promotional products can enhance your brand awareness and fuel business growth.

    Thank you for your time, and we look forward to hearing from you soon.

    Best regards,
    Creative Specialist
    Branded Products

  51. Una Butz


    It’s been a while since our last conversation, but I recently stumbled upon a slam piece online about doula.by and felt compelled to message you guys to confirm this nonsense.

    It seems like there’s some rumors circulating that could be potentially damaging.
    Knowing how quickly rumors can spiral and not wanting you to be caught off guard, I decided to warn you.

    Here’s where I came across the info:


    I hope it’s all a misunderstanding, but it seemed prudent you should know!

    Best wishes,

  52. Mark Higgins

    Hi doula.by,

    Throughout the past few years, billions of people around the world have made drastic changes to their daily lives.

    This particular industry has been growing EXPLOSIVELY, and it seems all the world is now hooked on it: https://www.realdollar.xyz/profitcourse

    What are they hooked on?

    eLearning. I’m guessing you’ve heard about and seen it by now. There’s a good chance you’ve been a participant too.

    The eLearning industry has absolutely exploded with growth, as it has gained tens of millions of new participants each month and continues to grow daily.

    All kinds of people have jumped into the eLearning world. Students of all ages have integrated eLearning into their schooling, but that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

    Professionals in all fields have turned to eLearning to increase their knowledge, or learn new skills to help them with better employment.

    Others ranging from stay-home-moms to retirees have been flocking to eLearning to enhance their lives, become healthier, and participate in new hobbies.

    When you factor in all the pet-training courses, it literally seems like everyone including grandma, and grandma’s dog is getting involved in eLearning!

    The eLearning market is now a $400 Billion industry and is predicted to grow it $840 Billion by the end of the decade.

    This is the perfect time to jump into the eLearning market, and I’ve got a great opportunity for you to start today.

    Using this brand-new AI-powered platform, you can launch your own eLearning business in a matter of minutes, with no prior experience or technical skills needed!

    I recommend going here and checking it out immediately: https://www.realdollar.xyz/profitcourse

    The launch special will be expiring soon, so don’t wait.

    Others are already joining this great opportunity, don’t let it slip by!

    To your success,

    Mark Higgins

    UNSUBSCRIBE: https://www.realdollar.xyz/unsubscribe
    Address: 626 Lilac Lane
    Brunswick, GA 31520

  53. Ralph Rodriguez

    Hey doula.by,

    Would you like to get some Bitc0in..

    Without actually paying for it?

    Sound like an impossible task to pull off?

    Well I’m here to tell you that this is NOT the case

    =>> Go here to see the secret for getting Bitc0in & Ethereum: https://www.solveques.xyz/coinz

    Nothing like this has been accomplished before..

    With this brand new system…

    .. you have the ability to turn ANY phone or computer into a crypt0 extraction machine.

    Want to see it in action?

    =>> Click here to check it out: https://www.solveques.xyz/coinz

    This is one of those things you “wish” you had your hands on much earlier..

    Ralph Rodriguez

    UNSUBSCRIBE: https://www.solveques.xyz/unsubscribe
    Address: 3683 Hinkle Deegan Lake Road
    Guilford, NY 13780

  54. Ermelinda Powlett

    Online Social Media Jobs That Pay $25 – $50 Per Hour. No Experience Required. Work At Home.
    Social Media Jobs from the comfort of home!
    Click On Link Below


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